Friday, May 28, 2010

It's more than a long weekend.

With Memorial Day weekend upon us, it's important to remember that this is more than just the unofficial start of summer and an extra day off of school or work. It's a time to reflect and be thankful for those who have served our country.

Without getting too deep or political, think about the great leaders that have led our country, platoon commanders fighting overseas or veterans that continues to volunteer in times of national disasters. Great leaders are developed and get their foundations somewhere. Many of them got their start at camps, just like Camp Day!

Tell us your story!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Are you ready to scale the Tower?

Our adventure staff and maintenance staff have been working diligently to get the tower ready for the summer. Imagine how accomplished you will feel when you make it to the top of the tower and your cabin mates cheer for you! Maybe you will be able to see Mount Tom!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's hard to keep a secret

We are very close to finalizing the field trips and entertainers (yes, brand new for 2010) for each session. The staff are SO excited and can hardly keep them a secret. Once the agreements are final, we hope to release the schedule later this month. Stay tuned!